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An initiative taken by Dr. Shantala C P and Dr. Sridhar K N Rao Faculty involvement beyond their regular teaching Making use of human resources in developing IT based facility which involves in, Administration Services Human Resource Management Infrastructure Management Effective utilization of Open Source Software etc.

CIT Private Cloud – Kubernetes -Driven 

This Project is to design, develop and maintain a cloud computing setup at CIT, Tumkur, specifically for research in Big-Data. This cloud computing setup, a small-scale cloud, would be realized only by the use of free and open-source software. It will support the various research communities, apart from the Big-Data, such as data-center networking, cloud-security, virtualization, etc. It also provides an excellent opportunity for the researchers and students of CIT, to engage in active and innovative research works. Hence, we envisage the proposed setup to foster research in cloud computing in India in general and in CIT in particular.


Faculties are working for the following opensource tools:

  • OSS and IT support for NON-IT departments:
  • Moodle
  • Web Applications
    • Leave Management System- odoo
    • HR Management System
    • Inventory Management system 
    • Issue reporting and Tracking system
  • Audio Books
  • Face recognition for Automatic Attendance system using OpenCV

Moodle :

Moodle is a course management system (CMS) – a software package designed to help educators create quality online courses and manage learner outcomes.
Before you can do anything in Moodle you must create a New Account. By default this is done via e-mail confirmation. A message is sent from Moodle after completing the New Account registration form

  • Collective Byte harvesting :


    Ticketing systems are a means to support and help you deal with any issues in the organization. It helps to provide organized, focused, efficient and effective support for users.
    OSTICKET is designed to improve customer support efficiency by providing staff with tools they need to deliver fast, effective and measurable support.

    IT support for NON IT:

    Hands-on Training Programme on MS-Word and MS-Excel for the Non-Teaching Staff members on 16th March 2019.

    The Department of Information Science and Engineering have organized a Hands-on Training Programme on MS-Word and MS-Excel for the Non-Teaching Staff members on 16th March 2019. Faculty members of Information Science and Engineering Department were the trainers. Around 65 numbers of Non-Teaching Staff members, both Technical and Non-Technical, were actively participated in the programme.


    Objective: To develop in-house applications using open source software

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